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To put this in perspective, the Drake development at the former Bess property is 65' tall.  The current Midtown square building is 60' high. 


Here are the increases from the existing Code for a multi-level commercial/mixed-use building:


  • 4 stories: 53 feet to 65 feet (a 23% increase)

  • 3 stories: 41 feet to 45 feet

  • 2 stories: 29 feet to 35 feet

  • 1 story: 17 feet to 22 feet


Once this updated Code is approved, developers have the green light to build 65' tall multi-use buildings throughout downtown.  There is no appeal. There is no going back.  


Don't be fooled by the updated Code calling for "just four stories".  The height, even with setbacks, creates the canyon effect. 

You be the judge

Here are the results of one of the activities completed by attendees of the Open Houses.  Particiopants were asked to use a green dot to indicate their preference for building height on Glenview Road.   The image with two-story buildings clearly was the preference.   The commentary from the consultant: 


Voting preferences imply a desire for lower-scale buildings along Glenview Road and taller buildings on Waukegan.


Low Height Preference on GV Road.png
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